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  • Concert Performance Auditions

Chorus students are encouraged to participate in auditions for concert solos, duets and small ensemble numbers for each concert throughout the school year.


  • Choral Placement Auditions

At the end of the school year, each student will audition for placement in the SRHS Choral Program for the upcoming school year. New students to the SRHS Choral Program will be voice-tested for placement at the beginning of the school year or upon entrance into the program. 

  • Encore Auditions

The Choral Department's Show Ensemble, "Encore", is an audition-only group of students who perform for community groups as well as in the SRHS Choral Department concerts. Encore members serve as ambassadors of the Choral Department and Sebastian River High School.


Auditions are held in April/May of each year for the upcoming school year. Interested Chorus members may pick up an Encore Audition Packet in the spring.


Qualifications and Expectations for Encore Audition and Sustained Membership:


  • Be an active SRHS Chorus member who shows leadership and promotes unity, which includes being respectful of the Director and other students

  • Be committed to attendance (rehearsals, concerts and performances); in the event of a conflict, contact Mr. Stanley via Remind message, phone call to 772-564-4269, or email; a "no show" is disrespectful to the group

  • Be willing to follow the Director's instructions at all times and demonstrate "teach-ability"

  • Demonstrate advanced vocal aptitude

  • Have an outstanding work ethic, learning music quickly and accurately

  • Be willing to keep my behavior and social media sites respectable, to include no inappropriate/tasteless pictures and/or profanity, as this is a reflection of my character; I realize that if my page gets turned over to a member of the SRHS Administrative Staff or to Mr. Stanley, the Director of Choral Activities, and is deemed in violation of this agreement, the result will be dismissal from Encore

  • Maintain a grade average of 2.0 or higher; realizing that grades and actions must exemplify the finest of students at SRHS

  • Abide by the SRHS Choral Department Handbook Policies and the SDIRC Code of Conduct; a serious disciplinary record, to include excessive time-outs, a suspension, misdemeanor or felony will result in immediate dismissal from Encore

  • [Boys will] be clean-shaven for performances - the absence of facial hair contributes to the clean-cut uniform look of the group

  • Wear my hair back and out of my face for performances (girls in a low-center bun)

  • Not have unnatural hair coloring and excessive styling for performances, as this takes away from the uniform look of the group and is a distraction to the audience

  • Sign up for Encore Remind (students and parents): text @srhsencore to 81010 to join

  • Utilize the website to stay apprised of upcoming events for Encore and Shark Choir

  • Utilize the website's Music Page, through member-only login to practice my voice parts

  • Make Encore my top priority as an extra-curricular organization; I will not join any other varsity sports or programs that would interfere with regular rehearsals and performances

  • Understand that, in addition to regular rehearsals and performance events throughout the year, it is expected that Encore members will attend the Music in the Parks Festival in the Spring and submit the associated fees by the designated deadlines

  • Ensure that current or prior years' unpaid Choral Department fees are paid in full prior to audition

  • Submit the $50.00 Encore Retreat fee, due by the mandatory parent and Encore student meeting in May; fees paid after this date are subject to a $10 late charge

  • Submit the $50.00 Encore Annual Membership fee, due by the mandatory parent and Encore student meeting in May; fees paid after this date are subject to a $10 late charge

  • Attend the mandatory parent and Encore student meeting in May

  • Read and understand the Encore Attendance and Demerit Policy  (the "4 misses" policy)


The mandatory Encore Retreat is held in July/August, prior to the beginning of each school year. The week concludes with an

          Encore team building outing on Friday and "Sneak Peek" concert Friday evening.

Additional Choral Opportunities

  • Choral and Solo and Ensemble Music Performance Assessments 

Each school in the state of Florida is required to participate in the Solo and Ensemble MPAs and Choral MPAs. These Music Performance Assessments (MPAs) are given by a panel of judges for various categories and provide the students the opportunity to do their best and see the performances of other schools in the same district. If the student meets grade average and behavior requirements, they will be given a formal invitation by the SRHS Director of Choral Activities. Participation is mandatory.


  • All-State

The All-State Choruses are highly select groups of choral students from Florida's junior high, middle and senior high schools who are brought together for the purposes of rehearsing and performing selected music with guest conductors.


Auditions for All-State are first held for Musicianship and Sight Reading in September of each year at a location selected in each District. If the student is selected from that audition, they can participate in the Vocal Qualifying Auditions in October, also at a location selected within the District. If the student is then selected to be in the All-State Chorus, the FMEA Clinic-Conference All-State dates are in January, in Tampa, FL.


  • Indian River State College Honors Festival

This Choral Honors Festival, run by Indian River State College, is to benefit high school choral students in the surrounding counties. Students have the opportunity to improve their vocal production, music reading and performance skills. Students will be selected by the SRHS Director of Choral Activities to fulfill the roster requirements as instructed by the FVA District 13.​


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