Donors Make a Difference!!
Patron Program
​​The Patron Program was established as an avenue for businesses, families and individuals to support the Sebastian River High School Choral Program.
Donate Today!
Select the icon above to open the Patron Form and support the SRHS Singing Sharks!
The Sebastian River High School Choral Program is made up of students in grades nine through twelve. This very talented group does more than just perform at the school. Members of this award-winning Choral Program perform throughout the community and in various competitions. The Choral Department relies almost completely on donations and fundraisers for basic needs such as printed music, audio tracks for practice and performance, equipment, concert uniforms, travel fees and competition entry fees.
In previous years, generous donations from Patrons have been put to great use for the Choral Department. To show our gratitude for your donation, your name/business name will be placed in each concert program and on the website for one full year from the time you make your donation. The biggest program of the year is the very popular and highly-acclaimed Prism concert in December, held in the Sebastian River Performing Arts Center. Your name/business name will be included in the Prism concert program if your donation is received by November 1st. Patrons whose donations are received after that will be included in the following year’s Prism program. The auditorium seats 1,060 people, and the five Prism concert performances allow for a potential of over 5,000 in attendance.
The Patron donation form outlines the level of sponsorship and instructions for sending any financial assistance you can provide.
Thank you for your consideration and interest in supporting the Sebastian River High School Choral Program. The assistance of local businesses, parents and friends helps this program continue to be a positive part of the community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 772-564-4269.
Musically Yours,
Mr. Larry J. Stanley, Sr., M. M.
Mr. Larry J. Stanley, Sr., M. M.
Director of Choral Activities
Sebastian River High School