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​Mr. Larry J. Stanley, Sr., M.M.

Director of Choral Activities

Mr. Larry J. Stanley, Sr., MM, is the Director of Choral Activities at Sebastian River High School, where he teaches Chorus and Guitar, fostering an award-winning Choral program and developing a robust guitar program. With over 40 years' experience directing choral and orchestral music, he recognizes the importance music plays in students’ academic and social lives. Singing, choreographed movement, and playing guitar increases critical thinking and problem-solving skills, provides valuable real life connections with core subjects, helps in understanding cultural and historical context, and serves to provide meaningful, enriching and enduring experiences. Mr. Stanley earned his Bachelor in Music Education degree at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and his Masters in Music degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Residing in Florida with his wife, he enjoys playing guitar, going to the beach, and fishing.

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Donors Make A Difference: Thank you Patrons, for your support!


Anonymous Donor

SRHS Marching Sharks

Kathryn Stanley



Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club



Anonymous Donors

Barefoot Bay Great Lakes State Club

NextEra Energy (Dollars For Doers)

Gerri and Bob Ripp



Anonymous Donors

Richard and Deborah Brennan

Laura and Richard Colton

John and Joan John Crosby

Ed Haase

Sara Hansen

Ted and Georgie Hutton

Reid and Susan Johnson

Penelope and Donald Kelly

William and Colette Kennedy

​Howard and Karen McClain

Tom and Laurie McGrath

Ruthie and Alan McNally

Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Annamelia and Roger Smith

Austin and Ann Starkey

James and Donna Waterston



Anonymous Donor

David and Tammy McLean


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