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The Choral Department relies almost completely on donations and fundraisers for basic needs such as printed music, audio tracks for practice and performance, equipment, uniforms, travel fees and competition entry fees. Local businesses, parents and friends help this program continue to be a positive part of the community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact usThank you for supporting the Sebastian River High School Choral Program!


Annual Poinsettia Sale

Order beautiful poinsettia's to brighten your home, office, church, and give as gifts! 


Select the poinsettia icon to view, download and print the order form


Place your orders by November 22, 2024

Thank you!


Poinsettias will be ready for pick up Dec 3-5 in the SRHS Chorus Room, B-101

Donors Make A Difference: Thank you Patrons, for your support!


Anonymous Donor

SRHS Marching Sharks

Kathryn Stanley



Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club



Anonymous Donors

Barefoot Bay Great Lakes State Club

NextEra Energy (Dollars For Doers)

Gerri and Bob Ripp



Anonymous Donors

Richard and Deborah Brennan

Laura and Richard Colton

John and Joan John Crosby

Ed Haase

Sara Hansen

Ted and Georgie Hutton

Reid and Susan Johnson

Penelope and Donald Kelly

William and Colette Kennedy

​Howard and Karen McClain

Tom and Laurie McGrath

Ruthie and Alan McNally

Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Annamelia and Roger Smith

Austin and Ann Starkey

James and Donna Waterston



Anonymous Donor

David and Tammy McLean


© 2023 by the SRHS Choral Department, proudly created with

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